Saturday, April 11, 2009


The cycles of my life seem to come around to April as the beginning of all things. I was born on the 23rd of April, and began my life journey in the spring. How appropriate.

I ended the tax season again yesterday... well not quite, but I did at the CPA Firm I have now been at since 2000. So today is like a beginning again! April always is. I feel new again, after having felt so old for a while now.

The thing I have enjoyed about this blog site is that I can write, and share what I have written. I don't know how many view it, but I like to see my creations come to life on the big computer screen, so I enjoy it myself.

Our world is getting more connected to the internet. I found one of those sites the other day that everybody keeps in touch with everybody else on, and immediately found my best friend from high school I haven't heard from or seen in years, saw many family members there, and saw old friends sites almost everywhere. To me, that is a miracle. Laurel took to it pretty well herself!

I have always enjoyed people, and interacting with people, and sharing thoughts with people. Laurel is shy around folks, but she can be with them through the internet, and have her space at the same time.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I can hear the arguments on both sides...

To me, it just is! All things have their positive/negative charges, but all things are needed in some way or another! I'm glad Laurel can share her world this way... pictures and thoughts of hers that the world can see. She is a beautiful person, but so few know it! To me, I am glad to share the computer keys with her and let her express!

But I like having this site to myself! Selfish maybe!

But I love having a forum to write from that goes outside of my computer. I have been storing writings in my computer for many many years, and it's time to let them wander out into the world now!

It is another new spring... and time for new growth to begin again!

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Welcome back to the living....