Monday, February 23, 2009


Imagine that in this very moment there is only Joy.

Extremely hard to do... at first. Pain is known, and preferred, it seems. Drama!

Imagine that in whatever is here this moment, I called it to me...

Extremely hard to accept... at first. Easier to blame the outer world.

Imagine that the outer world is only reflection of the inner thinking processes...

Extremely hard to visualize... at first.

Until one practices creating what is really wanted... one doesn't realize that Joy in all things is possible... first.

1 comment:

gilian said...

Wow. Powerful.

I totally get the idea that I have control over how I feel in the moment, how I perceive an event. But this is a whole new concept for me. Something I've only discovered in the past year, rediscovered over and over.

Sometimes I can get to real joy in hardly no time at all. Sometimes, it takes a while. And sometimes, I haven't made it there yet. Hm. My firstborn, healthy throughout his life until suddenly one day, he finds himself suffering unbearably for two years, suffers more after a year of major surgeries, and then, after a couple of relatively calm years--if you don't count the occasional hospital stay--finds himself now in need of a new liver. Not a drug user, smoker, drinker, but a failing liver nonetheless. Let me think. Joy when I can still see him and talk to him and hope for a bright future for him? Yes. Does his future health seem totally sucky? Absolutely.

But joy when I think of his next child, due in July? Oh yes.