Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Although I wrote this to myself back in September of 2008, as I read this on my blog site, I am told that if your eyes have come here to read, then these words are meant for you personally as well, and are to be read as if you were the author.  Know that we are not alone, and that we are loved beyond anything we as mortals can begin to comprehend... Enjoy!

September 19, 2008


Is there comfort to be found in the fear that abounds, and the changes that are coming so fast on the face of this planet?  Are we a race worth saving?  Are we so out of balance and overpopulated and have we literally become a plague on the earth since our creation so little time ago in terms of universal time?  How is hope to be kept alive when all around us are evidences of disaster and hopelessness, suffering and sorrow… natural and manmade disasters?

Do I have the compassion to continue to send love energy into such a place?  Will we ever face a more settled time…is peace simply a pipe dream of poets and dreamers?  Are the schemers of the world going to overpower and destroy what exists here?

Deep in my heart is a confidence in you who remain unseen, yet ever vigil on our behalf.  You wait for us to grow.  You hold us in your arms.  Most of us don’t even begin to believe that, (or even in your existence), yet alone consider the possibilities that such help, or care, or love will help us to bring into our world…

Many prayers ascend, and have for some time.  I add my prayers of hope, and peace; I work my inner energies more and more each day to visualize a world that embraces and cares for all around us.  I envision a time of peace coming.  I envision peace within me in this moment.  I envision the Star People… our brothers and sisters in this grand universe out there.  I hear, sometimes… the deep wisdom of your experience… I feel often the deep love energy that seems to swirl around me.  I embrace that in hope… and offer my gratitude to all the unseen in my life that embrace me, hold me, and surround me in my daily walk.

I strive to still my heart… I strive to still my chaotic brain thoughts.  I strive to let go of the noise and fear that surrounds me in these very hard times on the planet.  I strive to still all these things so that I may feel and hear your songs.  For your songs are choice, and wondrous… and awesome.

And I am overcome by the love.

From the Offices of the Christ: Starship Marigold-City of Lights:  Sananda Energies, Sanat Kumatra energies, Titan Energies from the great inner core:

Little One… each day we hear you pray.  Each day we feel the love you would pass on to those around you in many ways.  We also are very aware of the doubts, and frustrations, and the deep pains that you have wandered through on this journey.  These indeed are very difficult times for the species of earth… all have suffered… the plants, the animals, the air and the seas.  Mankind has so far forgotten many things, and has thrown the planet out of balance in many ways.  But mankind is not alone in this responsibility.  There are deep energies that have long sought to suck the life blood out of all they come into contact with, and mankind has been a playground for them.  You have walked in their energies, and bought into their lies in your long journeys through eternity.  Within your energy body, you carry many sorrows, and heartbreaks, and defeats and you have been on the very brink of despair and hopelessness… and your great soul remembers these things in deep shame and sorrow…

…and yet you have moved beyond these things in this walk.  You do not yet realize the progress you have made in such a few short years.  You do not yet know how deeply you are loved, how closely you are watched, and how silent we become when your heart begins to write.

But you are learning!

Many entities, beings, and species reside about this marvelous star ship.  Many more than even earth has become aware of.  There is much beyond your planet, and your dimensions, that you have yet to feel, see, or understand.  There is so much more experience that lies ahead of you… each and every soul. 

Spirit is restless on the planet.  You hear the noise.  You hear the pounding and the beating and the heavy cursing and frustrations in the air around you.  You hear the hollowness of many millions of lives as your species wonders what it is all really about.  Oh how arrogant the species of mankind has become… at least in some places of your world!  These are the Souls who have drunk power and greed like a drug, and who glorify themselves in sucking the life blood out of everything around them.  And they have come into major power on the planet, and have attempted to steal the souls of all the innocent around them.

These are the dark ones that you have dared to face in your heart… as you have dared to face the darkness and emptiness inside your own being.  You remember the deep pains you have walked through, in the Southwest part of Arizona in your teens and early twenties… in Cedar City, In Salt Lake, in Vernal… you remember Vernal?  You remember the days leading up to the night when you were ready to be taken into the outer darkness that fills the despair of the Dark Ones.  You still remember the moments when, like Sananda, the cup became too bitter to taste…. When you felt that even God Himself had deserted you, and you had nowhere to hide… nowhere to go where there was not deep hell and sorrow and despair and to take your mortal life would have been to no avail for your soul writhed in the flames of eternal despair.

And for a time… no one was there to be by your side but the little you understood, and the little you felt, and the deep desire you had to not let your light be extinguished.  And then many dark ones surrounded you, and begged you to die, and your mind was filled with nothing but their laughter, and their disgust of you, and all like you who walk in third dimensional clothing.

You have felt and faced the deep fear and hopelessness of the evil ones.  In the last moment, as voices all around you laughed to watch you give up the ghost that they wanted to rip to shreds… you finally found release in nothingness.

And that is the point that you don’t remember now.  That space with us when your body slept by your family who thought you were only drugged to be able to sleep… your Soul walked with us.

And now you reach for those memories to come through your hands.  There is so much you learned in that so very short earth time.  These things are in your heart now, and you have been slowly finding ways to express them in the world around you… in your writing especially that you so love, but more importantly in the little acts of love you try so very hard to give to any soul that comes into your range.  You truly are a multidimensional being now.  It takes time to learn to find balance in such a soul… and you have been diligently about your lessons.

We feel very deeply your gratitude to God.  We feel very deeply your gratitude to us, as you have come to understand our Love.   We understand and LOVE your great heart… and we watch in deep joy as you turn on your Love Light for this earth, and the unbalance she walks in now.

We share your tears, and offer you our peace and hope in the hardest of times that you come to.  These days seem to be one of those hopeless and despair times for all of humanity as you watch all that you seem to cherish and have faith in seem to fall apart.  You watch the domino effect as the big industries of the world collapse, and drag the governments of the world into their wake, and more importantly to you, as you watch so many small and insignificant little ones (seemingly so) flounder while the big players of the world scramble to keep what is transitory and temporal in soul terms.

You are watching the collapse of the third dimension around you… and you came to us during the midpoint of your life for a few refresher courses on the training you had brought with you when you first stepped into this incarnation in 1957.  You have known all your life that you would be on the planet to watch this great transition.  And it is here.

Where is the fear in your heart, Little One?!  We sense in you a deep Peace and Joy!  Whence comes this odd state of feeling and being!

In deep silence this moment, we rejoice with you!  WE accept your prayers of thanks to us in the early hours of this morning… those you have yet again brought to the written page… and we, as a united body on this Starship wait in silence as you write… as you commune with us who are so fond of you!

How fond we all are of you whom we affectionately call “The Poet!” Now watch your writings come alive in the world around you!

And thank you for your deep love!  Amen.
Sananda:  Little One!  It is time, and close at hand!  You have known for some time that we have gathered to watch over these auspicious times!  In a world that your media and governments have sent so much fear and hopelessness out into… many Lightworkers have gathered on the planet in many forms and in many incarnations.  All have various gifts and dreams and hopes… various expressions of the same energy… LOVE!

Love surrounds the planet at this moment… at this time… in the many dimensions that Mother Earth Walks in, there are many Souls such as you who have not deserted their posts in times of great upheaval.  You stand with your Love Lights on, and you stand to take on the bitter whirlwinds of despair, for you have been there, and you have come through to hope!

And in this hour, we send Our deep Love Light into your souls… into the hearts of all who carry love and joy within their lamps… and we light those lamps for the dark beings to see… that there is a Grand Light that cannot be darkened.   

Thank you for the many ways you share that love in your life!  Know, little One, that you are not alone in many ways!  Above all things, I, Sananda, wrap my arms around your mighty spirit in this moment to embrace and thank you for keeping my hope and love for this planet alive because of the love you and many like you have shared in your lives and actions!

I recognize the deep love in your heart for me!  I read your works with great care, each time your soul finds another pebble to add to that monument, feel my embrace!  All is well!