Thursday, July 31, 2008

Letting Go of Stress

We embrace her energies
like jealous lovers,
this being called stress.

We address our lives
to her whims
in most of the moments
of our wakefulness.
We cling to her,
embrace her,
and hate ourselves for
her pitiful use of our energies and desires.

We claim stress from without,
in the dilemmas’ of our days
and take her to bed
to stir the nightmares of our dreams.

In reciprocation, our world rocks
with the stress
of our combined unbalanced energies.

Our pleas go to the heavens
for relief,
yet in our chatter
their answers go unheeded.

What is needed
to overcome this beast we walk with every day?

Simply learn to pray,

without words.

Start there to shut off the chatter
of your stress filled minds.
Find the time
in a simple moment
to let go
of everything that you cling to.


Breath slowly.

Embrace a simple thought of Love Energy
and focus her light
around the inner vision
of your own soul.
Embrace the being that is you!

Think of nothing else.

Experiment with this tool
for one minute today.
Tomorrow give it two minutes.

With time you will find that
simply giving a moment of your day
to find and love yourself
will transmute the energies
of chaos
into a web of understanding
and balance.

Let go of everything in this moment…
in this now.

Then accept back
only those things
that you really can do something about today.
Let all else go away for now.

Live in the moment.
Live in the moment with a simple love
for the moment.

Life was created to be
a joyous event.
The sky and the stars,
the flora and fauna
all understand this balance.

They do not whisper
chaotic prayers
to the cosmos
and cling to energies
that do not belong to them.

For a moment,
stand softly as a tree in a summer breeze
and listen to the prayers
of a tree’s mind.

What you find
is going to surprise you!

BKBushman 12/02/2006


Joey said...

Boy, was this written with me in mind? You have written about me friend and enemy.

Leashing her is easier some days than others. How do you fight through the voices in your mind to find the silence? Turning them off is easier said than done.

Practice, practice, practice helps.

You're wonderful. Do you know that?

Skybird said...

I think a lot about your sleepless nights these days, and we have often emailed about stress. I believe you may have been the one that inspired this writing in the first place! You are certainly not alone, it seems that everyone in my world has these issues! The pioneers had the physical challenges... we have the mental!

As to turning off the voices??? Somedays it is simply a matter of listening to a humming airconditioner, or the computer humming away. Focusing on a soft pitch outside of the brain. But there are days when nothing short of 4 tylenols and three cokes can cut through! Beer used to work, but you and my wife have this thing about that... and after several years, I kinda caught your vision myself!

And it's a bit easier when the kids aren't so little anymore!

Practice, Practice, Practice! Music almost always works for me... Chopin, Vivaldi, Mozart, Llewellen, Gandalf, and other new age venues I've run across lately. Nice and easy does it for me these days!

Ah... but the noise can be fun and enlightening too! Nothing like Rush to stomp your foot on the accelerator to! However singing with Geddy Lee's voice is always a strain...