Thursday, June 18, 2015

 (Excerpt from)
Diary of a Bi-Polar Man
In a Singular World
A note before I start this journey.
This is not a medical journal of what bi-polar-ism is.
This is not a document to plea for why I should be excused for the way I live.
This is not meant as an extremely long excuse note to get out of life.

This is my adventure that I feel so many others are living secretly
Because our outer worlds (society?) don’t seem to approve of
How we function in the game of life.
Fact? Or Perception?

This is my way of thanking whoever or whatever put me here
with this Gift I was given… this challenge
That has made the game of life both heartbreaking… and exhilarating.

Thursday, June18, 2015

So I believe in miracles.  I believe in Angels.  I believe we are more than we allow ourselves to be.

This morning I was prompted to put some gifts together.  I get promptings often to do things that don’t make sense to sensible people.  (I know, because when I feel sensible they don’t make sense to me…) 

There has been a young lady standing on the corner of State Street across from the mall for a little over a year now, with one of those signs... you know  “Anything will help, God Bless” and we pass them by and sometimes we have a buck or two and feel generous and pass it out but often we look at them as if they are apart from our world… to be honest, often we would help if we could, but more often we are tied up in our own problems.  I am guilty of this.  If I had a buck to give every homeless person in my valley right now and the time to go see them all, my eight hour work day would be complete and my paycheck spent.  So most times I look the other way.

Not today.  I have seen this girl so often in the last year or so that she has basically become a fixture on that corner.  This morning my guides, my angels told me that it was time to make contact.  I was led to a stone I have been working with for a few years, and I was led to a little pouch I keep “junk” in and I found a seashell there that I picked up on the beach at San Diego a few years ago… both pure white.  Then I found a book that had been brought out on our bathroom floor last night about 8 steps to a Buddha Life, and then I came into the office and was prompted to pick up a folder of some of my writings I had put together for a conference last fall, and finally I was prompted to go buy a couple of Cokes at the store and get some cash to get to this young lady.

I found her on the same corner as I came home from the bank this morning.  I pulled over and parked… then went to talk to her.

I asked her if she believed in Guides or Angels.  She really didn’t.  I gave her the money I was prompted to get for her and told her that her guides had put together a little package I was to get in her hands today.  I gave her the stone and the seashell and we began to talk about her journey… why she had been on this corner for so long.  She told me a little of her story, and actually I felt a lot of hope inside of her.  She was brown from a lot of exposure to the Salt Lake elements, and it only served to emphasize the light blue eyes that she had.

I asked her what her name was and she said Michelle.  “Are you serious?” I asked her, three times.  Then I asked if she would come check something out.  We went to my car and I got out one of the Coke bottles I had bought.  Coke is doing a promotion right now where they are putting a name on the bottle and using the phrase “share a coke with…” and on the bottle in my car was the name Michelle. So I gave it to her!

So I believe in miracles.  I believe in Angels.  I believe we are more than we allow ourselves to be.

 I asked her if she was a writer and she said that she was.  I shared with her a prompting I got about a week ago… “It is time to stop living the story and start sharing the story”   She has a great one!

We are all one family, no matter how we have seen life, because we all have a unique perspective, and no two are alike.  We all have such stories to share about our time on Earth!  Are we to the point yet where recognizing this about each other and celebrating our uniqueness beyond labels makes any sense yet? 

I had her pull out one of the poems I had brought and read it.  I told her there was a message for her there.  I don’t know what she found.  She asked me if she could keep it.  I said “of course, but would you do something for me first… would you take 3 deep breaths and give me a word.  She couldn’t think of anything.  I said to take 3 more breaths.  She said the only word that would come up was JUSTICE… so I said we’ll go with that and I wrote from her guides to her.  I don’t remember a word, but they were for her anyway.  She will have a unique perspective!  And as a writer, I look forward to her book someday!

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