Friday, August 23, 2013

Some Information to consider humankind...

July 30, 2004

Orion Delegation Star Team/ Rae & Flora Vibrations in communication with Gabriel, Earthside:

Re:  Saturn and the Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light

Good morning our special Earth Eagle!  We, your sisters, surround you in this linear moment of time to share vibrational information for the needs of Starseeds who shall come to these writings in the years to come!

We reside in Earth orbit at this moment, wrapped in the soft hum of cloudstuff.  We are seen, and not seen by the residence of Earth, depending on their stages of wakefulness.  As yet, most are still wrapped in the heavy dimensional blankets of slumber, while the light within them remains a soft glow.

Yet have hope, our Archangel!  Your garden begins to flourish!  You have watered diligently with copious amounts of Love, and we have come recently from the Belts of Orion, having heard the inner call of your own personal readiness for coming events, to help in the mighty and wondrous work that begins to take shape in the robes of Mother Earth!

EARTH AND PLANETARY PURPOSE:  Know that your planets do not lie dormant and without life, as your current science understands!  Realize that your best scientists still work with 3rd dimensional equipment, and that such cannot monitor 4th, 5th, 6th or Higher levels of activity and enlightenment!  You are not, nor ever have you been alone as a species!  We do not wait in dark places to take you over; we do not plan overt operations to assimilate your souls, or your bodies!  We do not steal you or your children from your planet to dissect and manipulate your minds as many of your movies and stories would still have you believe!

Drop your intense fears, Mankind!!!  The animals and plants around you could teach you a good deal about our purposes, where you willing and able to listen!  Ah, but do not take to heart that we scold you, either!  You are growing children!  Yes, you are growing and maturing!  Take heart little ones!  We are overjoyed at the strides you have made collectively!  You are wondrous energy bundles of intense Joy to us!

Perhaps you should think of us more as your Nannies rather than the Bogey Man!

That is not to say that your planet has not been invaded by beings with less than your welfare in mind.  We do understand your fear of “Alien” life, because your young history has been intermixed with the works of Dark Entities who have sought dominance over you for many eons (and even multiple lives of Earth’s Incarnations!)  Earth herself has undergone many transformations and “Incarnations” as have each of you, though many of your religions and cultural beliefs do not teach you so.  You have indications of such incarnations, and the shedding of such skins.  Earth holds the fossil records of many species, dinosaurs being one of which many of you find a fascination for!  Would it surprise you to learn that the dinosaur kingdoms were as intelligent in their spiritual journeys as you are? That their purpose for being on the planet in their day was similar to your purposes?

Would it make you wonder to hear that as a race, they have “risen” to a higher state of vibration and now work among the stars on higher levels?  That your destiny is similar to theirs?  Perhaps, even... nay, that thought is not ready to come to light yet! 

SATURN: The Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light is a mass grouping of various entities from Star Systems and Dimensions from many Galaxies.  Arcturus, Sirius Pleiades, Orion, Sol, etc. all have representatives that Coordinate, Construct, Monitor, and interact where appropriate with the many species of life in this solar system (Again, you are very much surrounded by a thriving and living community of Soul essence vibration well beyond your scope to understand AT THIS TIME.)  This Brotherhood operates in direct Guidance and under the direction of the Offices of the Christ in Connection with the Councils of the Elohim.

Saturn’s gaseous makeup, and the concentric vibration and hues of her glorious rings make Her an optimal “Space Station” for our Science teams, our recorders, our Planetary teachers and Guides, in fact, for all the “occupations” necessary to make working with Planetary development take place.  Note that we denote Saturn herself as a living, vibratory Soul Being, also in the stages of development!  Perhaps if one understands that Mankind is not a solitary function unto themselves, but are a part of all things, you may yet come to the understanding for the need to stop separating yourselves from all things, and find the Balance you need to “move to your next level!”  This is one of the few remaining Karmic roadblocks that still surround you as a species!

Within Saturn's Vibrations, we are able to generate the energy needed to deal with the dark karmic residue that continues to be generated throughout this solar system by less than enlightened beings.  Earth residents have yet to understand the repercussions their uncontrolled and unbridled thoughts of fear have on the fabric of their surroundings, including your families, communities, nations, world, system... you follow the geometric pattern... and they are not alone.  Mars is a “holding place” of sorts for very dark entities that have played havoc on your planet for millenniums.  Residue of intense “warlike” patterns that plagued Mercury in your very distant past, and extreme vibrational repercussions from the destruction of Mar’s sister planet Maldek that you now recognize as your asteroid belt have all been “absorbed” to some degree through the unique structures of the outer gaseous planets.  These energy pulses have then been shipped via LightLove to various crystalline planets in other star systems where such energy can be fine tuned and used as an energy source for star systems in dimensions and universes of many diverse hues and shapes.

Through the thought patterns of our channel at this time, we can not give you “the science” of how all this happens.  He is not a scientist, but a poet and a musician!  Do not laugh at the inconsistencies of such a being attempting to channel such scientific information!  Music is how vibration moves!  We rely a great deal on the intense emotion that music has in your lives and ours to transform energy for the various needs that you and we have!  This makes our choice of channel at this moment very appropriate.

Indeed, he has helped us many times in his mortal life to “energize” soul matter  that has been in bondage for many cycles to finally “lift off” from the heavy gravitational Karma that such entities had wallowed in for eons through the music of his heart and life.  He as yet is unaware of the mighty work that he has been involved in, though he intuits some of his work to some degree because of the events of his life that remain in his conscious mind. 

Music emanates from the very heart of your Sun.  It permeates the “vacuum” you understand as Space.  Music and Magic are the bloodstream of the Universes (Uni-Verses) to semiquote a favorite movie line of his from the movie “Willow.”

It has been written in other places that All things speak of Christ.  This is indeed true!  All things around you are a help for you to “remember” your purpose and function in living in your current incarnation.  You are surrounded by the things you personally need to move forward.  Do not begrudge your neighbor their “possessions” because these are their gifts for learning!  Wake up to your own bag of goodies!  Look around you with your internal eyes.  Open your internal ears!  From Saturn we broadcast to any soul with the desire to listen, and the skill to understand. 

If your messages do not speak of Love and Hope, they do not come from us!  If they speak of horror and fear... then turn off the noise, and change the channel!  It is within each of your powers to do so. 

Saturn can be considered the Home offices for LightLove activity in this quadrant!  However, many of our agents are in the field at any given time!  You have access to them if you so desire!

Turn your hearts to the wonderment of Saturn... close your eyes... slip out of the static of earth understandings and noise... and feel the wondrous Song that Saturn sings to the heart of evolving Earthkind!

Adonai this wondrous day!  Sat Nam.

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