Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On the Lighter Side:

I met a new blog site this past week or so... well, I guess I could say that as I've never met the writer, although I have met the man... well, I guess I can't really say that I've met the man, but we Face Book now, and we were introduced by a gal that I e-mail and went to High School with, and I have met her, so I suppose I can say that I've kinda met the writer of the blog, well I know she's met the writer of the blog somewhere in their pasts because she and I are in Utah now and he's in Texas and my wife and I would be in either the upper Oregon area or the upper New England area this time of year but definately in Arizona for the warmth when the snow flies so I guess we wouldn't be in Texas where the writer of this blog whom I've never met but now know lives.... lives.


He was doing something I hadn't thought about! He was writing two or three blogs, depending on his mood, and you can go to one blog if you want serious, and you can go to another blog if you just want a peice of his mind and you can go to other blogs to meet his family (my girls have started their own blogs and they are all over there on the left hand side if you want to go to any of them which I would recommend because I love to go there...)

(Whew, agian.)

For myself, I've just been cutting and pasting on this site mostly because I've been putting what little there is of my mind into my computer for quite sometime, and I figure I deserve the break now that the technology has caught up to me!

Sometimes I get really deep and serious, and I like being deep and serious (I'm not sure too many people around me can stand me that way,) but then I deny myself the Joy of being just plain goofy! I love being goofy! I love that life came with a humor button that we can push when it get's too much! (And I know most people around me can't stand me that way!)

So, to lighten it up, I thought I'd cut and paste a writing I did about my dreams into this blog, and maybe you will connect, and maybe you won't, and maybe, if my fan meter is accurate, you will have already read this, but it's worth putting in another place, just so I can come somewhere else where it looks different!

.... well I'll be derned... I can't cut and paste this one into the editing box right now. I wonder if I'm in voilation of Copyright infringement on my own work? It wouldn't surprise me. My computers are saving me from plagiarizing myself! Thank you most wonderful and gracious peices of......


1 comment:

Johanna said...

I know your goofy side. It usually begins with a pun. :) Laughter is always good and when you can't find it on your own; remember....a horse walks into a bar....